Binary Chaos

I rendered Binary Chaos in colored pencil for the year 2000 scare. The round items are CD discs. CD discs hold memories as in files and photographs. I realized this in 2012 as I wrote this. The drawing contains 28 discs. I thought this refers to number of years I was when my father’s worst abuse took place. Two and eight are 10.

The artwork focussed on a face and an eye

The number 12 played a prominent role in this artwork. 12 is part of the binary code. 12 is one of the numbers on the clock which only has an hour hand. 12 is the number which sits at the top of the cauldron-like vessel.

My father committed crimes against 12 children when I was 10.

After studying this artwork further, I added six and eight together which equals 14. Age 14 was the last time I saw my father.

Therefore Binary Chaos contains more about my father than I originally believed.
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